Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Podcast Episode 2 is up!
I dont know what was wrong with the file, but it is up and ready for your listening pleasure :)
I started a new little thing with my podcast, "Raynie's adventures with HG" where I tell you little stories about my experiences that are not in the book.
Raynie's trip to Walmart for a prescription, is my first story in the series it is just what it sounds like...the horrible trip to get my medication, medication that did absolutely nothing to help me!!! LOL
Monday, October 29, 2007
As soon as tech support fixes the problem I will publish the next episode :)
Hang in there with me...
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Podcast Resumes...
I havent done a new podcast lately because I have been glued to my TV, cell phone and messenger waiting anxiously for word from family and friends in So Cal.
Thankfully most were safe and out of harms way, but I have some friends who have lost everything...
My love and prayers go out to them and their families, as well as all those in So Cal effected by these fires.
I thank those on the front lines who do what they can, putting themselves in harms way... and the Governator for his quick response.
For the latest updates and ways you can help the fire victims check the fireblog:
The Letters to Zane podcast will resume this Sunday night.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Theories, Theories everywhere...
Here are some theories of where HG may come from:
What causes hyperemesis gravidarum remains unknown despite active research.
The more popular theories are categorized into 3 areas:
Elevated levels of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) or a component of this hormone may play a role in inducing vomiting. This hormone has been shown to be in women with hyperemesis gravidarum.
Thyrotoxicosis or hyperthyroidism is also believed to be associated with hyperemesis gravidarum. A portion of the hCG hormone, called beta-hCG, is thought to stimulate an increase in serum thyroid hormones, which are associated with hyperemesis in pregnant women. It is not known whether this is a cause or effect of hyperemesis.
Another hormone thought to be the involved is serotonin. This is a brain chemical that affects both the central nervous system and the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. These effects are believed to induce vomiting. During pregnancy, the upper GI tract may slow down and thus contribute to increased nausea and vomiting. Several studies have shown that this slowdown in the GI tract is increased in pregnant women with severe vomiting.
Helicobacter pylori bacteria that live in the intestinal tract may cause the development of peptic ulcer disease. These bacteria are found in a greater percentage among pregnant women and greater still in those with hyperemesis gravidarum. Antibiotics are used to treat all these conditions.
Although the idea is controversial, some researchers think the condition may be a woman's psychological reaction against the pregnancy and might arise from conflict within the family and her home environment. In these cases, counseling has been used.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
HG Sufferers Needed...
Go to their site www.helpher.org
Help spread awareness, contact them ASAP!
Share Your Story...
As you know I have started my podcast, It is available from iTunes.
I would like to have guests share their HG Stories. If you are currently suffering from HG, are an HG Survivor, or have cared for someone suffering from HG... Share your Story!
Together we can raise awareness and help other women...
email me for details: letterstozane@yahoo.com
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
HG worse with female fetus??
"Women carrying female fetuses admitted with hyperemesis gravidarum are associated with some well recognized markers of starvation and dehydration and hence with more severe hyperemesis gravidarum," Dr. P. C. Tan from the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, told Reuters Health.
It was a small study only 166 women who were hospitalized with HG. According to their findings 60% had female babies. Also these women had severe ketonuria and high urea, however none of them required TPN.
Obviously more research is needed to find the real significance...
Especially since I had what is considered severe HG, requiring TPN, and I gave birth to a boy!
Here is the Article: http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/537346
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
New... (updated 10/19)
I just published the next episode in my podcast. :)
Jenifer just let me know that she couldn't find it in the iTunes store.
It is there, but it is under Artist: Raynie
or you can use the link on the left...
or go to letterstozane.mypodcast.com
Thanks for tuning in :)
***Update: I fixed the problem in my podcast account :)
you can now find the podcast by searching for Raynie Andrewsen in your iTunes!
Monday, October 15, 2007
Got Spit?
I did it and all it took was answering a few questions, a medical diagnoses of Hyperemesis Gravidarum (med records) and some spit! Actually it took quite a bit of spit, but it was so worth it. They need 1000 women who have had or currently are suffering from HG to participate in a study of possible genetic factors.
I know when I was sick with HG I suffered from Ptyalism, which is excessive salivation. I was constantly spitting in my throw up bucket because if I swallowed it I would instantly throw up. Just one of the many lovely side effects of HG.
My fellow HG ladies, I know you may be having the same problem if you are currently suffering... so put that spit to good use!
Please contact Marlena Schoenberg Fejzo, PhD at nvpstudy@usc.edu or 310-210-0802 to participate...you will be helping many more women :)
I Sold One!
I dont know your name or where you are from, but you bought my book! Thank you so much.
I hope you like our story, but mostly I hope if you had or have HG that it will help you, inspire you, give you hope. If you know someone with HG please pass it along to them. Your purchase helps women with HG, 30% goes to The HER Foundation to help fund education and research.
I am happy to share my story with you, please help me spread the word about HG. We can help so many women if we just pass it on...
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Letters to Zane Podcast on iTunes...
Subscribe today! Dont miss out on the good stuff coming... (LOL)
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Research Participants Needed!
I am participating in a study of possible genetic factors for Hyperemesis Gravidarum, I have been asked to pass the word around. They need 1000 women to participate.
If you have suffered from HG or know anyone who has please contact : Maternal-Fetal Medicine nvpstudy@usc.edu
Current 2007 Study: Genetics of Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG)
HG Researchers need your help! This study is designed to identify individuals affected with HG, to study epidemiologic factors via an online survey, to collect DNA samples from saliva through the mail at no cost or travel for you, and to search for genes and risk factors that may be potentially associated with this condition. To be eligible, you must have suffered from HG and had treatment for your HG that includes I.V. Hydration, TPN or other form of non-oral feeding (ie nasogastric feeding), OR both, and are able to recruit a friend with at least 2 pregnancies who has NOT suffered from HG to serve as a control. If you live in the United States and are interested, please contact Marlena Schoenberg Fejzo, PhD at nvpstudy@usc.edu or 310-210-0802.
Identification of genes and risk factors that contribute to HG will lead to a better understanding of the causes of severe nausea and vomiting of pregnancy, and should be a first step toward the development of more effective treatments or a cure for this devastating disease.
More info can be found at : http://www.helpher.org/HER-Research/opportunities.php
0a. How did you hear about the study?
0b. Are you currently living in the US?
1. Did you have severe nausea and vomiting in a singleton (not twins or multiples) pregnancy?
2. Were you treated with IV and/or TPN (total parenteral nutrition) or other form of feeding tube (ie nasogastric feeding tube) in this pregnancy due to nausea and vomiting?
3. Did your HG pregnancy have an abnormal outcome such as molar pregnancy, Down Syndrome, or any other chromosomal abnormalities or malformations?
If yes, please explain.
4. Do you think you will be able to identify an unaffected friend of the same race/ethnicity (not a family member) with at least 2 pregnancies that went beyond 27 weeks to participate in the study as a control?
5. To the best of your knowledge, are any of your relatives enrolled in this study?
6. Are you between the age of 18-50?
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Sony E Book Optimized!
Friday, October 5, 2007
I think I need a better mic, but my first test podcast sure was fun to make...
I have to admit I had a little stage fright, and got a little tongue tied...LOL
I cant wait to do the next one :)
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Coming soon to a podcast near you!
I just started this today... Kind of a spur of the moment idea.
The address is: http://letterstozane.mypodcast.com/
I am also working on submitting it to the iTunes music store, although I am not too sure what it takes as I am working on that and this blog at the same time!
What can I say... I'm multi-talented at multi-tasking (hee hee)
I also created a website, although I mostly use my blog!
You can find it here: http://www.freewebs.com/letterstozane/
Thats whats new!